
PureRAWdnd started out using the Adventurers League shared campaign rules. Over time we found some flaws with the AL system that made its continued use untenable for our games. We now use our own Shared Campaign Rules, as per Xanathar’s Guide Appendix A. What follows is a compilation of rules that are in force for all 5e D&D adventures run by PureRAWdnd:
- All participants must follow the Griffons Den Code of Conduct.
- The shared campaign is overseen by a Head DM who determines all table rules for the shared campaign. They also recruit, supervise and give direction to all other DMs running adventures in the shared campaign.
- The Head DM is responsible for ensuring all games run smoothly and follow the rules.
- DMs running games for the shared campaign must follow RAW to the best of their ability and take a collaborative approach as described in the RAW Table Etiquette.
- When rule uncertainties arise DMs must make the best ruling they can in the moment, then move on, paying special consideration to preserving game flow. If the head DM happens to be present then the matter can be resolved on the spot. Otherwise the ruling of the DM stands. Even a bad ruling is preferable to the game getting paralyzed by rule disputes. NONE OF THE OTHER PLAYERS WANT TO SIT THROUGH A PROLONGED RULE ARGUMENT; this fact overrides other considerations.
If, after the DM’s ruling has been made there is still a disagreement then the question should be referred to the Head DM, who will make a final, binding ruling between sessions.
Decisions of the Head DM are final and binding upon all future games operating within the Shared Campaign unless otherwise specified. (Note: it is possible that some rules may be conditional, such as when a particular rule is different depending upon campaign setting, or whether the player is using 2024 or 2014 rules, for example.)
VERSION RULES: 2024 vs. 2014
All Shared Campaign tables use 2024 game mechanics, such as the changes to squeezing, stealth, initiative, potion use timing, and moving through squares occupied by an ally.
Characters that existed prior to the implementation of the 2024 rules may continue to be used indefinitely, at their owner’s discretion. As always, characters may be rebuilt, without limit, between sessions.
Each player decides independently whether their character will follow the 2014 or 2024 character rules:
- If they choose 2014 then their character is 100% restricted to only using older pre-2024 character rules, including 2014 versions of spells, magic items and other features that make up their character. They may not access any character features or spells from the 2024 rules, including 2024 spells. (Exception: Bastions, see below)
- If they choose 2024 rules for their character then they must exclusively follow the 2024 rules, taking the good with the bad. This includes the backward compatibility rule: if a new feature of the same name exists in 2024 rules they replace older versions of the same name. If no newer version of a feature exists under the same name then the 2014 version is still in force and usable by all.
shared campaign
- All shared campaign characters must use 27-point buy.
- Characters receive maximum HP at 1st level, and average HP each level there-after.
- 2014 characters may choose one of the following background feats at 1st level: Skilled, Tough, or Magic Initiate.
- 2024 characters receive one origin feat at 1st level, as per the 2024 rules.
D&D is a collaborative game where the party members are expected to cooperate and work together. Playing evil alignment characters and engaging in willful player vs. player conflict is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN and will get you kicked out of the campaign and out of the Griffons Den entirely. PvP is only allowed in situations where it is expressly chosen (such as a battle royale one-shot) or when the monsters enthral and force a party member to do their bidding against their will (such as a vampire or succubus charm effect).
All characters receive average HP as listed in the respective class description for each level beyond 1st. No one receives a free magic item at level 5 anymore. Use your money, that's what it's for!
If the DM asks you to create a higher level character, follow the usual rules for character creation at 1st level.
- 2014 characters receive additional starting equipment, gold and magic items indicated on the High Magic Campaign column from the Starting at Higher Level table from page 38 of the DMG14. Take the maximum GP indicated, do not roll randomly.
- 2024 characters use the Starting at Higher Levels table on page 43 of the PHB24. Take the maximum GP indicated, do not roll randomly.
Any character may be entirely or partly rebuilt between sessions, without limitations. Rebuilt characters retain all gear, treasure, magic items and XP/levels. If and only if you are rebuilding a character from 2014 to 2024 the character may swap magic items on a 1-for-1 rarity basis, drawing their choices from the Valid Source Books below.
Shared campaign characters may only draw from the following officially published source books when creating or leveling up a character. This includes the selection of magic items, spells and other character features such as subclass, backgrounds, feats or familiars. Magic items and features from other sources not on the list, such as campaign or adventure hardcovers, may only be acquired while playing those adventures.
- The Player's Handbook (2014 or 2024)
- Dungeon Master’s Guide (2014 or 2024)
- Monster Manual (2014 or 2025)
- Xanathar’s Guide to Everything
- Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything
- Volo's Guide to Monsters
- Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes
- Book of Many Things
- Bigby Presents: Glory of Giants
- Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons
- Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse
- Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide
- Spelljammer: Adventures in Space
- Planescape: Adventures in the Multiverse
- Eberron: Rising from the Last War
- Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft
- Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen
- Astral Adventurer's Guide
- Sigil and the Outlands
- Strixhaven: Curriculum of Chaos
- Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frost Maiden
- Hoard of the Dragon Queen
- Tomb of Annihilation
PureRAWdnd holds the general view that professionally designed and play-tested game rules should be strictly followed. However this position is predicated upon the assumption that the professional game designers do their professional due diligence and adequately play-test their products. When evidence indicates that certain rules were not adequately play-tested then we are forced, with great reluctance, to impose remedial table rules for our shared campaign to preserve balance and enjoyment for all.
As such, we are forced to issue a general prohibition on the use of the 2024 versions of the spells Conjure Minor Elementals, Conjure Woodland Beings, Spirit Guardians and Yolande’s Regal Presence. Only the 2014 versions of these spells (where applicable) may be used during shared campaign games, until further notice.
It is our assumption and hope that these spells contain actual errors, and that all will receive errata in the near future. As such these bans will remain in effect until we are satisfied that they have undergone reasonable revision under adequate play-testing. For in-depth analysis of why this is necessary please refer to the following Treantmonk youtube videos:
In the mean time if this is the type of strategy you wish to play the 2014 version of Spirit Guardians accomplishes much the same thing, but in a reasonably balanced way.
At the option of each table’s DM, every character may have a Bastion using the new Bastion rules on p. 333 of the new 2024 DMG. The PureRAWdnd shared campaign rules allows both 2024 and 2014 characters to have a bastion.
A free map building app that is great for designing your bastion is Dungeon Scrawl.
Two or more players can combine their characters’ Bastions into a single structure. Doing so doesn’t change the number of special facilities each player’s Bastion can have, how those special facilities work, or who issues orders to each Bastion.
Each Bastion retains its own hirelings, which can’t be sent to or shared with another Bastion. Bastion Defenders are handled differently: if some event deprives one character’s Bastion of defenders, another character can apply all or some of those losses to their Bastion instead, provided the two Bastions are combined.
Players who have multiple shared campaign characters may also share bastions between them, as if each character was run by a different player. These Shared Bastions may be used as hubs for storing and trading items between that player’s various characters, and for other role playing connections the player wishes to build into their shared narrative. See the Shared Bastions section in the Vending Rules below.
- Buying and selling of regular gear listed in the PHB24 or PHB14 (as per character version) can normally take place anytime between sessions, unless the DM determines otherwise due to the circumstances of the adventure (remote wilderness location, for example). Check with your DM first.
- DMG24 rules regarding buying and selling of magic items are in force when the prerequisite circumstances exist within the campaign (ie. presence in an urban area of appropriate size) and must be role played during a session, not between sessions unless approved by the DM. If the above circumstances are not available then players may alternatively access the Glavius vendor rules below.
- When buying a magic item you must add the rarity listed price to the base cost of the item, if applicable (ie. mithral full plate costs 400 gp as an uncommon magic item, plus +1500 gp for the base non-magical item). Enspelled items must ALSO add 6x the cost of any material components required to cast the spell (ie. an Enspelled rapier of Revivify would cost 5825 gp: 4000 gp for a rare magic item, +25 gp for a base rapier, +300×6 for the diamond material components to cast Revivify 6 times).
Glavius the Merchant is a legendary djinn trader who surfs the ebb and flow of the Weave, responding to the call of adventurers far and wide in need of vendor services. One has only to snap their fingers three times while repeating the phrase, “there’s no one like Glavius” and his tent will materialize in a safe place nearby, provided the coast is clear and there is no sign of danger; he is highly risk-averse and will not appear, or will instantly disappear, should active combat be anywhere nearby.
Glavius is happy to buy and sell with adventurers at rates highly favourable to him. He will only appear at the beginning or end of a play session, never in the middle.
Glavius will freely buy or sell non-magical items from the Player’s Handbook. The DM decides if looted non-magical items are saleable; if so they fetch half the list price in the PHB. Items may normally be purchased or sold freely in the intervals between sessions, unless the DM rules otherwise due to specific local conditions within the campaign; for example, being deep in a perilous dungeon or far out at sea where Glavius may be reticent to travel. Being on another plane, such as Avernus or a Demi-Plane of Dread, may also make Glavious unavailable.
Persuasion discount rolls can potentially win a discount on magic items bought from Glavius, if your skill is high enough. These rolls can only affect the price of bought magic items, not sold items, and must be overseen by the DM at a convenient time and place. Roll for each item separately.
Permanent Magic Items
All magic items listed in the Valid Source Books above may be bought or sold from Glavious. Unique named items can never be bought from Glavious, although he may buy them at the DM’s discretion.
BUYING permanent magic items from Glavius costs a standard amount based on item rarity, less a possible discount subject to a Charisma (Persuasion) check.
SELLING permanent magic items to Glavius nets ONE QUARTER the listed sale value and is not subject to Charisma (Persuasion) checks. Glavious will only buy one magic item per player per inter-session interval.
- Common – $400
- Uncommon – $2000
- Rare – $10,000
- Very Rare – $50,000
- Legendary – $250,000 (may only be purchased through special offers from Glavius)
- Artifact – Only acquired or divested through adventuring.
Charisma (Persuasion) DC for Price Discount:
- DC 20 = 5% discount
- DC 25 = 10% discount
- DC 30 = 25% discount
- DC 35 = 50% discount
Items With Subcomponents
Purchased magic items that contain subcomponents (Necklace of Prayer Beads, Helm of Brilliance, etc.) are considered to be new and complete at the time of acquisition. Components that are normally determined randomly or by the DM (ie. Necklace of Prayer Beads) may instead be chosen by the purchaser. Items that may be found with contents already in them (Ring of Spell Storing, Iron Flask, etc.) are empty upon acquisition.
Crafting & Buying Scrolls
Rules for scribing scrolls are found on PHB24 p.233. According to the Magic Item Rarities and Values table on DMG24 p.217, scrolls can be bought at double the listed cost on the Spell Scroll Costs table on PHB24 p. 233.
Spell Level |
Crafting Days |
Crafting Cost (GP) |
Buy Cost (GP) |
Cantrip |
1 |
15 |
30 |
1 |
1 |
25 |
50 |
2 |
3 |
100 |
200 |
3 |
5 |
150 |
300 |
4 |
10 |
1000 |
2000 |
5 |
25 |
1500 |
3000 |
6 |
40 |
10,000 |
20,000 |
7 |
50 |
12,000 |
24,000 |
8 |
60 |
15,000 |
30,000 |
9 |
120 |
50,000 |
100,000 |
Buying Potions
Use Xanathar’s Appendix A p.175 for those listed there. Potions not listed may be purchased in bundles of x5 using the Buying Permanent Magic Items rules above.
Potions can be sold at 1/10th purchase price.
Buying Magic Ammunition
Ammunition may be purchased in bundles of x5 using the Buying Permanent Magic Items rules above.
Magical ammunition can not be sold.
Buying & Selling Poisons
Unless the DM determines otherwise, all poisons listed in the Poison section on DMG24 p. 91 may be purchased for the prices listed. Poisons may be sold for half of list price.
Any character in any PureRAWdnd campaign may trade with any other character in the same or different PureRAWdnd campaign.
Magic Item Trading
- Characters playing at the same table have no limits or requirements for trading; they may give, trade, sell or lend any item at will to any other character at the same table.
- Trades between two characters at different tables require a 1-for-1 exchange of items of the same rarity. There is no longer any cost in downtime or GP.
- Characters belonging to the same player may trade as if they were at different tables.
Shared Bastions
- Characters that belong to a Shared Bastion may deposit or withdraw gear and items to or from their Shared Bastion, allowing players with multiple characters in the Shared Campaign to transfer gear between their characters, IF AND ONLY IF each character has a reliable means of fast travel to and from the Shared Bastion (such as using teleport or a teleportation circle).
- A magic item can not be withdrawn by a character using this method if the rarity of the item is more than one tier above the character’s current level. Tier 1 = Uncommon, Tier 2 = Rare, Tier 3 = Very Rare, Tier 4 = Legendary. Thus, a level 5 character (Tier 2) could withdraw Very Rare or lower rarity items, but not Legendary items until they reach level 11.
- Obviously this method is only available to characters that are Tier 2 or above, since characters do not acquire a bastion until level 5.
- Any magic item of Legendary rarity or lower may be deposited into a Shared Bastion, and can potentially be transferred to a different character of sufficiently high level.
- Artifacts or hard currency (GP, gems or jewelry) can be deposited into a Shared Bastion but not transferred, they can only be withdrawn by the same character that deposited them.